Monday, May 30, 2011

Just Another Monday

It was just another Monday in the office, with not much to do. it was only my second Monday in the office, but it started off as just like any other day.

We actually have begun quite an impressive count down to lunch - with incremental updates about every 5 minutes. Okay, it's not that extreme, but we do count down till we can take our hour lunch break. With Theresa (our director) in Spain, 8 hours in the office don't seem to pass quickly enough.

Well the noon hour finally hit & I could finally go warm up some soup in the microwave in the kitchen (to bring it back to my desk and partake in a wonderful lunch hour, on Facebook :D) Side note: Facebook opens up from noon-1. We can't get on Facebook otherwise.

Well in the kitchen area (where a soda machine, a Starbucks coffee machine, a vending machine, a Keurig and a table with chairs are) two other girls and myself were getting our lunches around. In walks a man I quickly glance at him and say hi (a normal happening around here, everyone is SO nice and always greets each other while walking through the halls! It almost reminds me of Goshen, a comforting piece of home!) At any rate I look away, continue my conversation and it hits me: that's Coach Caldwell!!! Well, apparently I'm not star struck :D I'd like to think it's a good thing.

Oh, it was just another Monday in the office!

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